H English | Judge me by the people i avoid . | رانيا محمد

English | Judge me by the people i avoid .

The people you spend your time with are important to classify     

because weather you like it or not they effect your level of success ,   not only your success also they will impact your opinion about yourself and your future or the person your becoming .
there is a popular saying that stuck on my brain  " Tell me Your Friends And I Will Tell You Your   Future "  and you have the control on your hand if you felt that your friends are bringing you down or low steaming you all the time why to spent your time with them ? at the begging it won't be that important and you'll not getting any harm it's a long term affect . 
 so the very first thing you need to do is draw your friends circle
 your friends circle contains three more ramified circles  .
and I name it The Three Limits .

I refer to the first circle to Fat Free Friends , think about the people around you who lift you up and push to step forward  to success the ones who inspires to improve yourself to do your best and much more the ones that loves you the way you are . the people you trust them to be your eyes if you were  blind . I highly advice you to make your Top five list , make a list that should consist the very five close people in your life the most important thing is it doesn't have anything to do with the blood or an old relationship NO to draw this circle you have to be honest with yourself more than often and just focus on specific qualities that should be required on your fat free friends for instance , the person who make you smile when you can't find reasons to can join to this circle also the ones who brings positive energy to your life and push you forward the one who stood by your side when you didn't ask for help . a best friend is a precious nickname only give it to who you think he worth it . 
   now let's move to the second circle which i called it To Be Or Not To Be Friends, the people you're connected to them by a pleasant relationship the ones you have in common the same convenient first impression . The Be Or Not To Be Friends are the type of people who you spend your joyful free time  with and the ones that you're having things in common that opened the friendship gate between you both , same as a common friend between you and another friend or maybe a classmate in school  or person you've met at the clubs you're joining at college or in your city. and you keep spending time with them which leads you to a certain point To Be Or Not To Be friends . 
 after you spend a period of time with them maybe a semester or the whole high school period  whatever the point i'm trying to clarify is within this you should activate your seventh sense or you can just open your eyes widely so you can see if this person fits your personality, if this person has the possibility to lift you up and most important if this person is making a good influence on you .
than keep doing what you are doing you don't really know if this person will join The Fat Free Friends Circle because its Be Or Not To Be . 

 here we are in the third circle and I bravely named it Toxic Friendship 
absolutely every one of us have big dreams , successful plans , and high goals for life , what a Toxic Friendship do ? is to deter your success .
please remember while you can't choose your family you have the control to choose your friends and it always your decision to choose and pick the people you spend your time and energy on . 
dear let's stop here for a moment and think deeply and ask yourself do you really want to stay motivated ? do you want to gain new good habits ? do you want to change your life positively ? 
think about the people around you will they support you ? or  they won't really care and throw you out    . 
  I was thinking to write an individual article about this circle which I think in my opinion more important than the circles above . 
I bet we all faced this type of people in our lives and we didn't realized or we didn't know how to deal with them . 
so i will shortly say you can't just go and announce on your Twitter or Facebook accounts that you and that person are not friends anymore ! things doesn't work like this apparently .
  simply make a decision to spend less time with this person get busy and i assure you , you will  . 
slowly drift apart and remember there is always a hidden  message after how other people treats you .

                             please read these quotes deeply  

I wrote this article with a big hope that you'll  get advantage from it and please if you liked my article share it with a friend and if you  got an opinion please let me know  you have the comment box or my email 
my twitter account is : @Ranya_em 
Thank You 
- Raniamohd 

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