H Accept The Crazy | رانيا محمد

Accept The Crazy

everything we face in our daily life affects us in a way or another , it does not matter is it a good thing or bad thing it's just prints in our feelings and personality as far as we live and I really do believe that our feeling and thoughts GROWS as we grow .

this idea always stop me thinking what about our bad thoughts ? the ones we have when we're upset and depressed ? well sometimes we can not prevent  ourselves not to feel this way toward something or someone , it is NORMAL and NATURAL to human beings . Especially when it comes to STRESS no matter how bad stress is somehow it has a beneficial outcome to our lives . Stress  in your life means you have  a challenge to become better , also stress  is not only motivation it adds a sense of  excitement , but only if you stressed healthily 
 so how to refresh ? how to take care of  ourselves from pressure 
 and to be clear I'm pointing to 

How To Relax                                        


firstly i would like to mention that  I have tried all the Strategies   below and it  did WORK 
 step number one is YOU NEED TO ACCEPT STRESS 
accept that stress is a part of the life cycle we can NOT escape from it so we need to live with it and  to know how to deal with it . 

always put yourself first and set time relax 
SLEEP IS IMPORTANT . you have  all the day to finish all  your assignments and  your daily tasks , night is  for sleeping or resting or at least do not stay up all night and go to work without sleeping this will impact your health mentally and physically in a negative way !!! . 
try to find activities that make you relax .. for me taking a hot bath or eating ice-cream or listening to music I like  makes me calm more often . 
Relaxing Your body needs more than sleep . practice breathing techniques and do daily exercise specially walking or jogging this can helpful to ease your mind . 
Be careful about the words the comes out from You ! now this is very dangerous ! more than anything else because your mind would believe and act just as the messages you send to yourself ! 
 DO THE OPPOSITE . help yourself to build your confidence and to love yourself much more by hanging on your desk or locker or door even on  your mirror a short positive statements and quotes ! 
 well  , there is another important thing :  Do Not Regret  anything . 
you are too young to regret and to feel guilty about anything and remember you can always fix things  up . 
I would like to finish this part with Learn to manage your time . I know its not easy and it take time  to learn that and that is is normal because its a skill that can be developed by practice !! 
I started this by making a Weekly To Do List and during stress days  my list becomes Daily to be honest I did not did not achieved  my goals in crossing all the the tasks on the list but I noticed that  I'm leveled up and progressed and  my time management skills are  developed and ready to take a little  tasks more ! 

Thank You For reading my article and please share it  with  people   
whom in need to know how to relax ! 

- RaniaMoh'd 

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